반자동 캡슐 충전 기계

The production of semi-automatic capsule filling machine needs assistance from an operator by moving the filling plates between the different sections in the process. It‘s more cost-friendly and user-friendly.

가능한 캡슐 크기:

Semi-automatic capsule filling machine is available in 8 kinds of standard capsule sizes.
캡슐 크기#000#00#0#1#2#3#4#5
잠긴 길이26.14mm23.30mm21.7mm19.4mm18.0mm15.9mm14.3mm11.1mm
캡슐 용량 1.37 밀리리터 0.91 밀리리터0.68 밀리리터0.5 밀리리터0.37 밀리리터0.3 밀리리터0.21밀리리터0.13밀리리터

(파우더의 차이로 인해 충전량은 달라질 수 있습니다.)

How Semi-automatic Capsule Filling Machine works?

단순히 고형성분을 캡슐에 주입하는 것 외에는, 풍부한 포장, semi-automatic capsule filling machine is equipped with working sections and technologies to ensure a smooth and efficient production process.
캡슐 분리
빈 캡슐은 충전 구멍에 파종된 후 진공을 사용하여 캡과 몸체로 분리됩니다..
성분 충전
캡슐 바닥을 파우더 호퍼로 옮기고 재료를 채웁니다..
캡슐 폐쇄
캡슐의 상단과 하단이 함께 밀려납니다..
캡슐 배출
And then the capsules are ejected out of the machine.

The Complete Range of Semi-automatic Capsule Filling Machines

다양한 용량과 예산을 갖춘 다양한 기계 모델 중에서 선택할 수 있습니다..
어떤 기계가 귀하에게 가장 적합한지 잘 모르겠습니다? 우리 팀은 귀하의 필요와 예산에 따라 제안을 제공할 수 있습니다.!
모델 CGN-208 CGNT-209
산출 28,000개/시간 40,000개/시간
Applicable Capsule 000#、00#、0#、1#、2#、3#、4#、5#
전원공급장치 2.12kw 2.2kw
380/220V 50Hz(맞춤형)
Net weight 400킬로그램 405킬로그램
Packing size 1640*720*1700mm 1640*720*1700mm

제약회사를 위한 현명한 투자

우리는 효율적이고 실용적인 기능을 갖춘 동시에 GMP 표준을 충족하는 우수한 품질의 기계를 제조하기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다..

Easy to Use

Equipped with Siemens programmable control (PLC) device, touch screen operation, it is convenient to monitor


Compared to automatic capsule machine, the price is cheaper. And it can provide a higher output with more operators.


By controlling the loading and rotary speed of the capsule tray, the dose can be filled accurately and the error can be kept within 3%.

Safe to Operate

The machine is equipped with a protection system, which can ensure the safety of the operator in emergency.

No Pollution

Equipped with a vacuum pump, the operating table is free of pollution and mess.

포괄적인 서비스로 여러분을 도와드립니다.

모든 과정을 함께 해주세요, 적합한 기계를 선택하는 것부터 평생 잘 관리하는 것까지.

자주 묻는 질문

고려해야 할 몇 가지 주요 세부 사항은 다음과 같습니다., 캡슐 크기 및 유형과 같은, 해당성분, 생산 능력, 기계 크기, 및 보증. 기계 비용으로 인해 막대한 예산이 소요됩니다., 완전하고 장기적인 애프터 서비스는 장기적인 비즈니스에 많은 도움이 될 수 있습니다..
아니요. 툴링을 변경할 필요가 없으며 모든 재료에 사용 가능.
CE: 유럽 ​​GMP 규정 준수: 우수제조관리기준 ISO: 국제표준기구 FDA: 식품의약품안전청
  1. 캠을 양호한 상태로 유지하려면 정기적으로 윤활유를 바르십시오..
  2. 막힘과 녹을 방지하기 위해 충전 스테이션을 분해하고 청소하여 과도한 재료를 제거하십시오., 생산이 끝난 후.
  3. 정기적으로 진공펌프에 윤활유를 첨가하여 먼지를 청소해 주십시오..
  4. 정기적으로 물탱크에 배럴 본체의 절반 이상 충분한 물을 채우십시오..
Ingredient hopper, PLC control monitor, filling auger system, pneumatic System, capsule filling plate, rectifier, electric parts and machine body.

Semi-automatic Capsule Filling Machine Working Principle

A semi-automatic capsule filling machine separates empty capsules, fills them with the desired material, and closes them.

It involves following steps:

  1. Capsule separation
  2. Filling station setup
  3. Filling the hopperial
  4. Capsules alignment and orientation
  5. Dosage adjustment
  6. Filling the capsules
  7. 캡슐 폐쇄
  8. Ejecting the filled capsules
Semi Automatic Capsule Filling Machine-Sowing
Semi Automatic Capsule Filling Machine-Sowing
Semi Automatic Capsule Filling Machine-Powder Filling
Semi Automatic Capsule Filling Machine-Locking

Automatic vs. 반자동 캡슐 충전 기계

자동 캡슐 충전 기계


Automatic machines offer high-speed production capabilities, filling capsules quickly and efficiently, which is beneficial for large-scale manufacturing.

They require minimal manual intervention, reducing the need for extensive human labor and increasing productivity.

Automatic machines are designed for precise dosing, ensuring consistent and accurate filling of capsules.

They often come with additional features such as capsule sorting, automatic capsule orientation, and online inspection systems, enhancing overall operational efficiency.


Automatic machines tend to have a higher upfront cost compared to semi-automatic machines, making them a significant investment.

Operating and maintaining automatic machines may require specialized training and technical expertise due to their complex nature.

These machines may have limitations when it comes to accommodating small-batch production or frequent product changes.

Automatic machines are generally larger and require more space in the manufacturing facility.

반자동 캡슐 충전 기계


Semi-automatic machines are generally more cost-effective, making them a viable option for smaller manufacturers or startups with limited budgets.

They offer more flexibility in terms of production versatility, allowing easier adaptation for small-scale or diverse product lines.

Semi-automatic machines are relatively simpler to operate and require less technical expertise, enabling easier training and maintenance.

These machines are typically smaller, occupying less space in the production area.


Semi-automatic machines require more manual handling, involving operators in the capsule filling process, which can be time-consuming and potentially introduce errors.

The filling speed is limited by manual handling, resulting in slower production rates compared to automatic machines.

There may be slight variations in filling accuracy or capsule quality due to the manual nature of the process.

Some semi-automatic machines may be less durable or prone to more frequent breakdowns compared to their automatic counterparts.