

Máquina estuchadora automática para envasar blister

high speed cartoner
Feeder Opetion
Rear Pushing Rod
Cartons Opening Mechanise
high speed cartoner
Feeder Opetion
Rear Pushing Rod
Cartons Opening Mechanise

Máquina estuchadora automática para envasar blister

Automatic Cartoning Machine for Packing Blister is widely used in various industries due to its high efficiency and ability to handle different types of products.
Industria farmacéutica: Packaging of blisters, botellas, tubos, vials and other pharmaceutical products.
Food and beverage: Cartoning of food products such as chocolate bars, cookies, granola bars, pouches and cans.
Cosmetics and personal care products: packaging cosmetics such as creams, lotions, shampoos and make-up products into retail cartons.
Health and Medical Devices: Packaging of surgical instruments, disposable medical supplies and health kits.
El high-speed cartoning machines are favored for their ability to efficiently handle large quantities of products, reduce manual labor, and improve the consistency and accuracy of packaging.


Hasta 320 cartón/min

Applicable para placas bister, botellas, Sachete, etc.

20 Días de entrega rápida

How is the blister plate cartoning machine working?

Horizontal blister cartoning machine are essential packaging equipment widely used in various industries, como los productos farmacéuticos, alimento, productos cosméticos, y bienes de consumo. They handle different types of cartons and can accommodate various product shapes and sizes, making them highly versatile.

Principales características

Capacidad de producción : máx.. 320 cartons/min
Size range of carton: l(65-150)*W.(35-85)*h(12-45)milímetros
Requisitos de instrucciones Rango de instrucciones de tamaño:l(78-250)*W.(85-170)milímetros
Rango de tiempos de plegado de instrucciones:1-4 doblar
Instrucciones de peso:60-70g/m²

Blister cartoning packing machine advantage

Mayor eficiencia: Cartoning machines automate the process of forming, loading, and closing cartons, significantly speeding up production and reducing manual labor requirements.

Consistency and Accuracy: These machines ensure uniform packaging, reducing the likelihood of errors such as incorrect labeling, misalignment, or improper sealing, which can occur in manual processes.

Versatilidad: Many cartoning machines can handle various carton sizes, materials, and product types, making them adaptable for different industries and packaging needs.

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