• カプセル充填機


Regardless of the capsule sizes and filling ingredients on your hands, we’ve got you covered! Automatic, semi-automatic and liquid capsule filling machines with life warranty are offered to meet your needs.

Classification of Capsule filling Machine

Three main types of capsule filling machine are available for your requirements and demands.
Machine ModelNJP-400C NJP-800C NJP-1500D NJP-2600C NJP-3800D NJP-5500C
Maximum Output 24000 個/時間 48000 個/時間 90000 個/時間 150000 個/時間 228000 個/時間 330000 個/時間
カプセルサイズの互換性 000,00,0,1,2,3,4,5#
3KW 5KW 5.5KW 8KW 10.5KW 11KW
重さ 600Kg 900Kg 1200Kg 1500Kg 2200Kg 3000Kg
寸法 1000×710×1900mm 1100×910×2100mm 1490×1260×2150mm 1650×1490×2150mm 1980×1850×2200mm 2400x2050x2300mm
モデル CGN-208 CGNT-209
出力 15000-30000個/時間 40000個/時間
Applicable Capsule 000#、00#、0#、1#、2#、3#、4#、5#
電源 2.12キロワット 2.2キロワット
380/220V 50Hz(カスタマイズ可能)
Net weight 400kg 405kg
梱包サイズ 1640*720*1700んん 1640*720*1700んん
モデル CGNL-300 NJPL-100C NJPL-300C NJPL-600C
出力 15000-28000個/時間 100 個/分 300 個/分 600 個/分
カプセルサイズの互換性 00#、0#、1#、2#、3#
総電力 2.12キロワット 3.5KW 5KW 6KW
380/220V 50Hz(カスタマイズ可能)
重さ 400KG 500KG 750KG 900KG
寸法(長さ*幅*高さ) 1300*800*1750んん 700*800*1700んん 860*960*1800んん 960*1000*1900んん

どのマシンが最適かわからない? 私たちのチームがお客様のニーズと予算に基づいて提案を提供します!


Automatic filling machines allow continuous production to fill empty capsules with pellets, powder and granule without operating in hands . Multiple units can be monitored by only one operator.




The production of semi-automatic capsule filling machine needs assistance from an operator by moving the filling plates between the different sections in the process. It‘s more cost-friendly and user-friendly.

Liquid Capsule filling Machine

空のハードカプセルに液体などを全自動で充填・密封する液体カプセル機です。. 多くの大小の製薬会社やヘルスケア製品メーカーに、液体材料を包装するための高活性かつ不溶性の医薬ソリューションを提供します。.




当社は、効率的で実用的な機能を備えながら、GMP 基準を満たす優れた品質の機械の製造に取り組んでいます。.

Wide Application

One machine is available for a variety of capsule sizes from #000 に #5 and other sizes can also be specially tailored. It can also fill solid (powder, 顆粒, ペレット) and liquid(oil, suspension) .

High Accuracy

With electronic components from trustable brands in the market, Ruida Packing takes dosage precision to the next level, シーメンスなどの, オムロンなど.

Cost Effective

High automation allows mass production in a short time, which can save money from labor.

No Messy Workshop

Equipped with vacuum pump, the machine can clean the powder or granule without mess.


プロセス全体を通してあなたをサポートします, 適切な機械の選択から生涯大切に扱うまで.


考慮する必要がある主な詳細は次のとおりです, カプセルのサイズや種類など, 該当成分, 生産能力, machine size and warranty. 機械の値段が高いので予算がかかる, 完全かつ長期にわたるアフターサービスは、長期的なビジネスに大いに役立ちます.
It can be divided into manual capsule filling machine, semi-auto capsule filling machine and full automatic capsule filling machine.
はい, please feel free to send the data to us and we will provide a suitable solution for your demands. 当社の機械はほとんどのサイズをカバーできます, カスタマイズサービスも提供できます.
No. Due to the liquid-filled capsule needs to form with different working process, the automatic capsule filling machine can only available for solid dosage such as powder and pellet. If you want machine for liquid, the machine needs to change the feeder and equip with sealing machine.
CE: 欧州GMP準拠: 適正製造基準 ISO: 国際標準化機構 FDA: 食品医薬品局
  1. カムを良好な状態に保つために、定期的にカムに注油してください.
  2. 充填ステーションを分解して洗浄し、詰まりや錆を防ぐために余分な材料を取り除きます。, 生産終了後.
  3. 真空ポンプには定期的に潤滑油を補給し、ゴミを掃除してください。.
  4. 定期的に水槽に樽本体の半分以上の水を入れてください。.

Capsule Filling Machine Working Principle

Automatic Capsule Filling Machine-Sowing

Step #1: Capsule Separation

The machine separates the empty capsules into individual halves, typically using mechanical or vacuum-based mechanisms.

Step #2: Filling Material

The desired fill material, such as powders or granules, is loaded into a hopper.

Step #3: Capsule Closing

The machine brings the capsule halves together, aligns them, and securely closes them using either mechanical pressure, vacuum suction, or a combination of both.

Step #4: 排出

Once the capsules are closed, they are released from the machine, either into a container or for further packaging.


A capsule filling machine is a device used in the 医薬品, 栄養補助食品, そして herbal industries to automate the process of filling empty capsules with various substances such as powders, 顆粒, pellets, or liquids.

It consists of different components, including a capsule hopper, a mechanism for separating and orienting the capsules, a filling system, a closing mechanism, and an ejection system.

The machine facilitates efficient and precise filling of capsules, ensuring accurate dosage and uniformity. It helps increase production speed, reduce labor costs, and maintain quality control in capsule manufacturing processes.

NJP-1200C Capsule Filler Machine

Main Types of Capsules

Hard-shelled capsules and soft-shelled capsule are two main types of capsules.

Hard-Shelled Capsules

Soft-Shelled Capsules