

Alu Alu Blister Packing Machine

Muestras de aplicación
Hard anodized
Muestras de aplicación
Hard anodized

Alu Alu Blister Packing Machine

Alu alu blister packing machine is primarily used in the pharmaceutical industry for packaging sensitive products.

Protection of Medications: Blister packing machine is ideal for packing moisture and light-sensitive drugs. The Alu-Alu (aluminum-aluminum) material provides a high barrier against moisture, oxígeno, y luz, ensuring that the medications remain stable and effective for longer periods.

Packaging of High-Value Drugs: Due to its superior protection, the machine is often used for packaging high-value and life-saving drugs, such as oncology medications, biotech products, and other critical formulations.

Blister Packs for Tablets and Capsules: It is widely used for packaging tablets and capsules in a sealed, protective environment, maintaining product integrity from the manufacturer to the consumer.


Hasta 4,800 ampollas/h

Aplicable para tabletas, capsules medicine

How is the blister packing machine for tablet capsule working?

The aluminum foil is formed into blisters at the forming station, and capsules or tablets are added at the feeding station, sealed, batch numbers are printed, and finally cut into individual aluminum-plastic panels.

Principales características

Capacidad de producción 4,800 Ampollas/h
Área de formación máxima y profundidad 180*120*15La profundidad máxima de mm es de 26 mm (hecha a medida)
poder total 7.0kilovatios
Índice de ruido <72dBA

Material Options: Blister packing machines can handle different materials for both the forming film (alu foil or plastic) and the sealing layer (aluminum foil, paper, etc.), making them versatile for different product types.

En resumen, the blister packaging machine works by forming cavities in plastic film or alu foil, filling those cavities with products, sealing them with a protective layer (generalmente papel de aluminio), and then cutting the blister packs into individual units, all while maintaining strict quality control.

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