

NJP-1500D Capsule Filling Machine
capsule pill machine
automatic capsulator machine
machine filling capsules
capsul fill machin price
NJP-1500D Capsule Filling Machine
capsule pill machine
automatic capsulator machine
machine filling capsules
capsul fill machin price


Capsule filler machine medicinal is a vital piece of equipment used to automate the process of filling empty capsules with powder, 顆粒, or other formulations. It is widely utilized in the pharmaceutical, 栄養補助食品, and supplement industries.

Increased Output: Capsule filling machines can fill a large number of capsules in a short period, significantly boosting production efficiency.

Precise Dosing: Capsule filling machines ensure accurate filling of the required dose in each capsule, reducing errors and ensuring consistency across batches.

Handles Different Capsule Sizes: Capsule filling machines can accommodate various capsule sizes, のような #00, #0, #1, もっと, making them versatile for different product formulations.

Wide Range of Fill Materials: These machines can fill capsules with powders, 顆粒, pellets, or liquids, offering flexibility for diverse applications.


まで 90,000 個/時間

Appplicable for capsule size #000 ~ 5

粉体に適しています, 顆粒, ペレット

How capsule filler machine size 1 works?

The working principle of capsule filler manufacturer is to precisely fill empty capsules with the desired quantity of powdered or granular material, 通常、投与量の組み合わせによって, タンピング, および封止工程.


生産能力 90,000 個/時間
対象製品 力、顆粒、ペレット
カプセルサイズ 000, 00, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
380/220V 50Hz(カスタマイズ可能)
ノイズ <75DB(あ)

Capsule Filling Machine Advantage

Capsule filler powder rotary design to obtain a patent for utility model, 粉体がターンテーブル内部に入るのを効果的に防ぎます。, 粉塵のオーバーフローによる汚染がない.

Capsule filler size 0 is modular design, 便利なメンテナンスと掃除, 金型のみの交換 15 分.

Capsule filler size 1 the filling mechanism obtains the national new patent, 三次元調整を採用, 計量プレートに均一な力を与える, 調整ボリュームは正確かつ迅速です.


