

Tablet Making Machine Manufacturer

ZP-29D Tablet Press Machine
pill maker machine pressing
machine for pressing pills
pill pressing machin pharmaceutical
pill pressing machien
ZP-29D Tablet Press Machine
pill maker machine pressing
machine for pressing pills
pill pressing machin pharmaceutical
pill pressing machien

Tablet Making Machine Manufacturer

Tablet making machine manufacturer working principle involves compressing powder into tablets of uniform size and weight.

Adjustable Fill Depth: The depth of the die can be adjusted to control the tablet’s weight and size, ensuring the correct dose of material per tablet.

Continuous Operation: In rotary tablet presses, the machine operates continuously, with multiple dies and punches rotating in sequence, allowing for high-speed production of tablets.

В итоге, таблеточный пресс uses controlled compression of powder in a die cavity, forming tablets quickly and consistently. This method is widely used in the pharmaceutical, нутрицевтик, and chemical industries for efficient tablet production.


Вплоть до 110,000 tabs/h

Макс. diameter of tablet 24mm

How automated tablet machine working?

Machine for tablet operates by compressing powdered or granulated materials into tablets using a rotating turret with multiple punches and dies.

Основные характеристики

Макс. Производственная мощность 110,000 шт/ч
Макс. Да. планшета 24мм
Пудра 5.5КВт
Напряжение 220V/380V 50 Гц(индивидуально)
Измерение 1040×910×1690mm

Medicine Tablet Machine Advantage

Pharmaceutical tablets machine ensure uniform tablet weight, толщина, и твердость из -за точного контроля над силами сжатия, приводя к надежному и последовательному качеству планшета.

Automatic tablet compression machine minimize material wastage through accurate dosing and compression, способствуя экономической эффективности в производстве.

Tablet presser can handle various tablet sizes, формы, и составы, Позволяя производителям производить разнообразные фармацевтические и нутрицевтические продукты.

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