

Máquina de rotulagem de garrafas redondas

labeling application
accuratery control
coding machine adjust
labeling application
accuratery control
coding machine adjust

Máquina de rotulagem de garrafas redondas

Round bottle labeling machine is designed to apply labels accurately and efficiently to cylindrical containers such as bottles, jars, or cans.

Container Infeed: Containers are placed onto the conveyor system.

Conveyor Belt: The conveyor belt transports the containers through the labeling process. The speed of the conveyor is synchronized with the labeling machine to ensure precise label application.

Spacing Wheel or Screw: This device adjusts the distance between containers to ensure they enter the labeling station at the correct intervals.

Label Sensor: A sensor detects the leading edge of each label to ensure accurate positioning. This sensor triggers the label to be dispensed at the precise moment a container passes the labeling station.

Applicator Brush/Roller: As a container passes the labeling station, a label is dispensed onto it. Pode conectar o decodificador de garrafas, máquina de contagem automática, máquina dessecante, máquina de nivelamento, máquina de selagem na linha de engarrafamento de contagem


Até 120 garrafas/min

7 dias de entrega

Suitable for various round bottles

How labeling machine working?

Labeler machine is designed to apply labels accurately and efficiently to cylindrical containers such as bottles, jars, or cans.

Principais recursos

Capacidade de produção 10-16m/min
Aplicável Various round shape Bottle
Tamanho da garrafa Diameter 20-110mm Height 30-200mm
Label size Height 20-120mm Length 20-300mm
Type of Label Full circle and half circle

Wrap-around Belt or Roller System: To achieve full label adhesion, the container may be rotated while the label is applied. This is done using a wrap-around belt or roller system that gently spins the container, ensuring the label wraps evenly around it.

Controle de qualidade: After labeling, contêineres passam por uma estação de inspeção. Sensors or cameras check for label accuracy, ensuring that each label is correctly positioned and adhered. Containers with improperly applied labels are automatically rejected.

Geral, the round labeling machine is designed for precision, speed, and flexibility, ensuring that labels are applied accurately to cylindrical containers in various industries, including food and beverage, produtos farmacêuticos, and cosmetics.

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