

Highly Efficient Tablet Coating Machine

tablet coating machine
tablet coating
professional training
safe packing
tablet coating machine
tablet coating
professional training
safe packing

Highly Efficient Tablet Coating Machine

Highly efficient tablet coating machine is designed to apply a layer film or syrup to tablets for various purposes, such as improving taste, making tablets easier to swallow, or providing controlled release of active ingredients. Can be used in combination with tablet press machine.

Standard Coating Pan: The traditional method involves a rotating pan where tablets are tumbled and sprayed with coating solution. The coating is dried using warm air. Suitable for sugar or film coating.

Perforated Coating Pan: This is a more advanced version, where the pan has perforations to allow air to flow through and enhance the drying process. Examples include Accela-Cota, Driacoater.

Fluid Bed Coater: Tablets are suspended in an air stream and sprayed with coating solution. The constant movement and drying provide an even and efficient coating. Suitable for granules and pellets, not just tablets.


Até 64 kg/batch

Hot air cabinet

Exhaust cabinet

How is the tablet coating machine working?

In the film coating machine, the tablets go through a complex and continuous path in the drum, the spray gun sprays the coating material onto the tablets, and the clean hot air from the hot air cabinet is exhausted through the fan and passes through the tablets, thus forming a strong, delicate and smooth film.

Principais recursos

Model RD-BY-80
Capacity(as per specific gravity:0.8) 64 Kg/batch
Coating drum speed 19 r.p.m
Supply voltage 3P 380V 50Hz (Customized)
External dimensions 1,370×1,030×1,950milímetros

Iwata Spray System: Equipped with precision spray nozzles that ensure uniform coating across all tablets. Adjustable spray rates for accurate application of coating solutions.

Versatilidade: Suitable for a wide range of coatings, including sugar, film, and enteric coatings.

Efficient Drying System: Integrated hot air system for rapid and controlled drying of tablets. Perforated drums or pans allow better air circulation, enhancing drying efficiency.

Automatic Control System: Programmable Logic Controller (CLP) and Human-Machine Interface (HMI) for easy operation.

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