Prezzo della macchina confezionatrice per blister piccoli
Small blister packing machine price operates by heating, formando, e sigillare insieme strati di plastica e alluminio per creare tasche sigillate per i prodotti, garantendo un imballaggio sicuro e igienico. Its widely used across various industries for packaging small item. Here are some of the primary applications:
Industria farmaceutica: The most common application is in the pharmaceutical industry, where these machines are used to package tablets, capsule, losanghe, and other small medicinal products. The blister packs protect the products from moisture, contamination, and physical damage, ensuring their integrity and extending shelf life.
Fino a 2,300 vesciche/h
Applicabile per tablet, capsule e sigaretta elettronica
7 Consegna veloce in giorni
Adatto per PVC、PS、Materiale PET