Automatische Tablettenpressmaschine
Automatische Tablettenpresse used to compress powders into tablets for medications, Vitamine, and supplements.
Pharmazeutische Industrie: They are primarily The high-speed production is critical for meeting large-scale demands, especially for common medications like pain relievers, antibiotics, and antipyretics.
Nutraceuticals: High-speed presses are used to manufacture dietary supplements, such as multivitamins and herbal supplements, ensuring consistent dosage and high production rates.
Food Industry: They are employed to produce compressed tablets of food additives like sweeteners or flavor enhancers, often used in processed foods and beverages.
Cleaning Products: Compressed tablets for cleaning agents, such as dishwashing or laundry detergent tablets, are also manufactured using these machines.
Bis zu 260,000 Stk/h
Max. Durchmesser der Tablette 25 mm
Main pressure 100kn, preload 21kn