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- أخبار
Kazakh Pharma Delegation Seeks Advanced Pharmaceutical Packaging Solutions at Rich Packing
هذا الاسبوع, we had the pleasure of hosting a distinguished delegation from a leading Kazakh company at our factory. The visit provided a comprehensive look at our state-of-the-art equipment and...
Ruida Packing Exhibition Invitation: Showcasing Pharmaceutical Packing Machinery
Guangzhou Ruida Packing, a solution provider focusing on pharmaceutical and packaging machinery for 33 سنين, is excited to announce its participation in two prestigious international trade events: the 137th Canton...
Car Perfume Blister Packaging Machine
According to relevant research data, the degree of car penetration in Europe and the United States has reached more than 80%. The demand for car perfume has risen sharply, and...
Jordanian Clients for Factory Inspection and Technical Exchange
Guangzhou Ruida Packing Machinery Co., Ltd., a leading integrated provider of pharmaceutical and packaging machinery solutions, welcomed Ayman of clients from Jordan for an on-site factory inspection and technical exchange...
Comprehensive Training on New High-Speed Tablet Press
Ruidapacking, a leading name in pharmaceutical and packaging machinery manufacturing, continues to set industry benchmarks by prioritizing the education and development of its workforce. هذا الاسبوع, the company organized an...
وصول جديد لآلة تعبئة المربى في صالة العرض
يوليو 26, 2024 – يسعدنا أن نعلن عن وصول أحدث معداتنا ذات التقنية العالية إلى صالة العرض الخاصة بنا: آلة تعبئة الصلصة. This innovative machine signifies our dedication...
فحص المصنع الناجح من قبل وكيل العميل البرازيلي في Ruidapacking
هذا الاسبوع, رحبت Ruidapacking بوكيل محلي يمثل عميلاً برازيليًا مهمًا لإجراء فحص المصنع الناجح لآلة الضغط اللوحي الخاصة بنا. This significant event underscores our unwavering commitment to...
وصول جديد لآلة تعبئة الفقاعة الشريطية في صالة العرض
يسعدنا أن نعلن عن وصول أحدث الآلات المتطورة لدينا إلى صالة العرض الخاصة بنا: آلة تعبئة الفقاعة الشريطية. This innovative addition underscores our commitment to advancing technology in...
Customer for Successful Factory Inspection and Machine Testing
On Friday, Ruidapacking had the pleasure of welcoming a valued customer to our manufacturing facility for a comprehensive inspection of the wet granulator they had ordered. The visit marked an...