태블릿 제조 기계 제조업체
정제 제조 기계 제조업체의 작동 원리에는 분말을 균일한 크기와 무게의 정제로 압축하는 것이 포함됩니다..
Adjustable Fill Depth: The depth of the die can be adjusted to control the tablet’s weight and size, ensuring the correct dose of material per tablet.
Continuous Operation: In rotary tablet presses, the machine operates continuously, with multiple dies and punches rotating in sequence, allowing for high-speed production of tablets.
요약하면, 태블릿 프레스 기계 uses controlled compression of powder in a die cavity, forming tablets quickly and consistently. This method is widely used in the pharmaceutical, 기능식품, and chemical industries for efficient tablet production.
까지 110,000 탭/시간
맥스. diameter of tablet 24mm