
작은 물집 포장기 가격


작은 물집 포장기 가격

Small blister packing machine price operates by heating, 형성, 플라스틱과 알루미늄 층을 함께 밀봉하여 제품을 위한 밀봉된 포켓을 만듭니다., 안전하고 위생적인 ​​포장 보장. Its widely used across various industries for packaging small item. Here are some of the primary applications:

제약 산업: The most common application is in the pharmaceutical industry, where these machines are used to package tablets, 캡슐, lozenges, and other small medicinal products. The blister packs protect the products from moisture, contamination, and physical damage, ensuring their integrity and extending shelf life.


까지 2,300 물집/시간

태블릿에 적용 가능, 캡슐과 전자담배

7 며칠 빠른 배송

PVC에 적합、추신、PET 소재

How pvc to pvc sealing machine blister packing working?

Tablet or capsule blister packing machine can pack tablets and capusles into alu-pvc or alu-alu blisters, 약제를 위한 한 벌, 음식, 건강 관리 제품, 실험실, 병원, 등.

주요 특징

산출 : 2,300 물집/시간
맥스. 그를 형성하다. 그리고 깊이 : 80*110*15mm 최대. 깊이26mm(맞춤형)
표준 플레이트 : 80*57mm
총 전력 : 2.4kW
힘 : 380V/220V/50Hz(맞춤형)

건강기능식품: Similar to pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals such as vitamins, 보충제, and herbal pills are often packaged using blister packing machines. The packaging ensures that the products remain fresh and are easy to dispense.

Medical Devices: Small medical devices or components, such as syringes, lancets, and surgical instruments, can be packaged in blister packs to keep them sterile and protected until use.

식품산업: In the food sector, flat plate blister packing machines are used for packaging small food items like candies, 껌, and chocolates.

Cosmetics: Cosmetic products such as single-use skincare items, sample-sized creams, and other small beauty products are also packaged using 물집 포장기.

주요 부분

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