Kapselzähl- und Füllmaschine
Capsule counting and filling machine involves controlled feeding, Sensoren zur Kapselerkennung, genaue Zählung, Kapselabfüllung. Anzug für pharmazeutische, Chemikalie, Gesundheitsprodukte und andere Branchen.
High Precision and Accuracy: Genauigkeit > 99.98%, minimizing errors and reducing wastage. This accuracy is crucial in maintaining dosage consistency.
Increased Efficiency: Capsule counting and filling machines significantly speed up the production process, handling large volumes of capsules in a short time. This leads to higher productivity and faster turnaround times.
Enhanced Quality Control: Many machines come with built-in quality control features, such as sensors to detect defective capsules or misfills, ensuring that only correctly filled capsules are packed.
Bis zu 70 Flaschen/Min
Geeignet für 3-25 mm Kapsel/Tablet/Gummi…