

DPH-270 Roller High Speed Blister Packing Machine

آلة تعبئة الفقاعة الدوارة
application samples
Heat sealing roller
one set of mold
آلة التعبئة والتغليف في الكرتون نفطة
آلة تعبئة الفقاعة الدوارة
application samples
Heat sealing roller
one set of mold
آلة التعبئة والتغليف في الكرتون نفطة

DPH-270 Roller High Speed Blister Packing Machine

DPH-270 roller high speed blister packing machine is widely used in the pharmaceutical industries for packaging tablets, كبسولات, and other small products in blister packs. This machine operates by feeding a roll of plastic film, which is then formed into blisters or pockets that hold the products.

Pharmaceutical Industry: Primarily used for packaging oral solid dosage forms like tablets, كبسولات, and lozenges. The blister packs protect the products from moisture, light, and contamination, ensuring their shelf life and safety.

Medical Devices: Suitable for packaging small medical devices such as syringes, needles, and test strips. The packaging ensures sterility and easy handling for end-users.

ال آلة التعبئة والتغليف نفطة offers high efficiency, دقة, والتنوع, making it a valuable asset for various industries that require secure and attractive packaging.


يصل إلى 27,000 blisters/mins

Applicable for tablets, capsules and medicine etc

15 أيام التسليم السريع

كيف تعمل?

Except for just simply sealing the material into a blister plate, Ruida Packing blister packing machine is equipped with several technologies to ensure a smooth and efficient production process.

الخصائص الرئيسية

السعة الإنتاجية 27,000 بثور / ساعة
Max. Shaping Dia. And Depth 250*250*12mm Max. Depth 26mm(custom-made)
Standard Plate 80*57مم
قوة 380V/220V/50Hz(customizable)
ضوضاء <65dBA

كفاءة عالية: The roller design allows continuous operation, making the machine suitable for high-speed, الإنتاج على نطاق واسع.

دقة: Ensures accurate forming, filling, and sealing of blisters, reducing the risk of product wastage.
براعة: Can handle a wide range of product types and blister sizes, offering flexibility for different packaging needs.

حماية: Provides excellent protection for the products, maintaining their integrity and extending shelf life.

Cost-Effective: The efficient operation of the machine can help reduce production costs, especially in high-volume packaging operations.

الأجزاء الرئيسية

اطلب اقتباس

    *نحن نحترم سريتك وجميع المعلومات محمية.